Various members of the YorkU community have received a fake email with the subject "<username>Your.Antivirus.Has.Expired⚠️Your computer is infected⛔️" The email states that the user's Norton Security subscription has expired and urges them to renew their subscription. The link in the email re-directed users to an external site that is malicious. The email can safely be […]
Advisories & Alerts
Two-Factor authentication (2FA) enrollments to begin week of February 8, 2021
We are pleased to advise that enrollment of Duo, two-factor authentication will begin week of February 8, starting with activation of those with surname beginning with ‘A’, and proceeding alphabetically until all community members have been enrolled. We expect to complete the process by the end of April 2021. Once your account is activated, you will […]
Phish Alert - Receive your files sent via WeTransfer before it expires.
A fake email from a YorkU email address was sent to various members of the community. It urges the user to receive their files using WeTransfer before it expires. The link in the email re-directed users to an external site that is malicious. The email can safely be deleted. If you clicked on the […]
Phish Alert - BUSY
Various York email users have received a spoofed phishing message with the subject of the email 'BUSY'. Spoofing is the act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source. In the email, the sender is disguising themselves as a member of the York University community and want the user to […]
Phish Alert - Inbox Full Notification
Members of the YorkU community received a fake email with the subject line: ‘[Specific date & time] Inbox Full Notification on Mail service’. This is a known tactic of malicious actors to incite a sense of worry in a user and get them to click on a malicious link. The email can safely be […]
Phish Alert - 20 January, 2021
A phishing email with the subject line “20 January, 2021” was sent to various York mailboxes. The email notified the user they ‘Received New Docs’ and was masqueraded to look like it was a Microsoft document sent from a YorkU email. The link in the email re-directed users to an external site that is malicious. […]
Information Security Notice: “Job Opportunity” Phishing
A large number of phishing messages were sent to York email accounts, part of a known scam advertising a fake “job opportunity”. The messages are fraudulent and intended to trick recipients into providing personal information, including personal (non-York) email address, and cellphone number. At that point additional correspondence to gather more personal information would follow, […]
Job Opportunity "Work At Home" Scam Alert
A known scam advertising a fake “job opportunity” was sent to York email accounts today. The messages are fraudulent and intended to trick recipients into providing personal information, including personal (non-York) email address, and cellphone number. If you replied to the malicious email, please ignore any future communication related to this phishing email. If you provided your username and password, please […]
Phish Alert - WARNING
A phish email with the subject line "Warning" was sent to various York mailboxes. The link in the email re-directed users to an external site that is malicious. If you clicked on the link and provided your credentials, please change your password immediately and contact
A phishing campaign is being launched against York University which aims to target the emotions of users receiving the item. The item states that the users account has been compromised and that the user should pay $950 USD in bitcoin to the attacker to stop them from sharing files, personal information etc. This is a classic […]