Two-Factor authentication (2FA) enrollments to begin week of February 8, 2021

We are pleased to advise that enrollment of Duo, two-factor authentication will begin week of February 8, starting with activation of those with surname beginning with ‘A’, and proceeding alphabetically until all community members have been enrolled. We expect to complete the process by the end of April 2021.

Once your account is activated, you will be prompted to follow the 2FA setup process to enable 2-factor authentication at your next Passport York login. Setup is fast and easy but if it is not a convenient time, you can skip the setup step for up to 14 business days. If you have not completed the setup within that time, you will be required to complete it at your next Passport York login. 

2FA is a common security practice (e.g., with online access to bank accounts, government services, personal email, etc.) that helps greatly to better protect your York accounts and data. It uses a second source of validation such as your smartphone to verify your login is you before granting access. This way, even if your password were compromised, your account will be protected by 2FA. 

Some of the benefits of 2FA include:

  • Improved protection of your York accounts and data; Where 2FA has been deployed, it has been shown to reduce account compromises by over 99%. 
  • Protection of all major York applications using Passport York, including Office 365
  • One-press login validation for the most secure and convenient experience with Duo Mobile authentication, which can work with or without cellular data or Wi-Fi access
  • Free Duo Mobile app download for iOS and Android 

To learn more about Duo two-factor authentication, please visit York University’s 2FA website.