Machform Usage Guideline

About MachForm at York University

MachForm is an online system for creating fillable forms and managing the data you collect with them.

What Should I Do (or Not Do) with MachForm?
MachForm is well-suited for application or registration forms, collecting data, or conducting simple surveys such as a poll.

Collecting Sensitive and Confidential Information
Machform collected data is often sent over email which, by its nature, is not a confidential medium.

You should not use MachForm for:

  • Processing payments. Please contact the Finance Division about payment processing.
  • Conducting complex surveys requiring statistical analysis. While the latest version of MachForm does have some simple reporting tools, a dedicated survey tool is more appropriate to this task.
  • Collecting any type of confidential or regulated data such as SIN numbers, credit card numbers, or any other data element that is categorized as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). For more information on the types of data classification, please read the Information Security Classification Standard at

How Do I Get Access?
There is no one single MachForm system at York University. Rather, there are many installation of MachForm for different organizations within the University.

  • If you are aware of a MachForm administrator for your organization, send that person an email asking for access.
  • If you aren’t sure if there’s a local system, send an email to including your contact information and an outline of your needs.

How Do I Get Support? 

  • When you receive access to Machform, make note of who is responsible for administration of the Machform account that you are using. This is who you should contact if you have trouble accessing the system or need permissions changed for access to your forms.
  • If you are the person who administers your MachForm system, ask for help by sending an email to

How Do I Learn to Use MachForm? 
Most people find MachForm easy to use, and there’s lots of online help available within the system. You can get started on your own or take advantage of one of these options offered by the Centre for Staff Development & Technical Learning:

  1. MachForm Editing Workshop: This scheduled session includes slots of hands-on practice using a training server and/or your own forms. Look for it at
  2. Self-Study Learning Package: Go to  to retrieve self-study materials.
  3. Online documentation: Visit