
Recent Advisories & Alerts

July 22, 2024

Phishing Alert - NOTICE BY ADMIN VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT (Please Verify your account immediately to avoid Deactivation)!! / VIRTUAL PERSONAL ASSITANT JOB (REMOTE)

A targeted phishing email with the subject lines "NOTICE BY ADMIN VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT (Please Verify your account immediately to avoid Deactivation)!!" OR "VIRTUAL PERSONAL ASSITANT JOB (REMOTE)" has been spotted. It's purpose is to trick recipients....

April 5, 2024

Phishing Alert - * Release Held Messages * / You have messages on hold'

A targeted phishing email with the subject lines "* Release Held Messages *" OR "You have messages on hold'" has been spotted. The phishing email was sent from a compromised account unrelated to York University. The emails included a link to a fake site re...

March 17, 2024

Job Scam Alert - Virtual Assistant Needed

A fraudulent job scam email with the subject line "Virtual Assistant Needed" was sent from a York compromised account to various mailboxes.                         The Information Security team ha...

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