A fake email from Microsoft was sent to various members of the community. The email can safely be deleted. If you've responded to the phish email, please change your password immediately and contact askit@yorku.ca
Advisories & Alerts
Phish Alert - New payroll message
Many York email users have received a targeted phishing message directing you to a login page that is a close forgery of the Passport York login site. The message is fraudulent and should be deleted. The subject of the email is "New payroll message". If you provided your credentials, please consider them as compromised and you should […]
Cyber Security Advice for Researchers During Covid-19
Following up on the Advisory Security Notice on Fraud Targeting Covid-19 Researchers, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) are reminding COVID-19 researchers to remain vigilant and to stay alert to potential threats affecting their research. The CCCS has provided additional Cyber security guidance. Cyber Security Advice and Guidance for Research and Development Organizations During […]
Phish Alert - Your email password has expired
Members of the YorkU community received a phish email with the subject line: "Your email password has expired." If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Advisory Alert - Zoom version 5.1.3 released to address zero-day vulnerability
Zoom has released version 5.1.3 to address a critical vulnerability. If you have the Zoom client installed on a windows 7 system, please update as soon as possible. Click here to manually download the latest client version.
Phish Alert - Copy of June Bonus 22JUN2020.xlsx
The York community reported a phish scam with the subject line "Copy of June Bonus 22JUN2020.xlsx". Clicking on the green Open bar redirects users to an external site designed to steal your PY credentials. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Mailbox Shutdown Process
This is another phish email that redirects users to a GOOGLEAPI site to steal your PY credentials. Please delete the email if you see it in your inbox.
Phish Alert - Account Update
The phishing email below redirects users to an external site designed to steal your PY credentials. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Email quota upgrade required for your mailbox
The email with the subject line "Warning: Email quota upgrade required for your mailbox" is a scam. Clicking on the "Verify" link will redirect users to a malicious site. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Fake Zoom meeting invite with malicious attachments
We have had reports of a fake zoom meeting invite that was sent to various mailboxes. The email attachments contain malware that will infect your computer. If you find it in your inbox, please delete immediately.