Here is an example of a phish email playing on your emotions. This email was not sent by York University. If you find it in your inbox, delete it.
Advisories & Alerts
CYBER SECURITY NEWS - Timeline of a Phish
Malicious Email Alert: Statement Notification
Be on the look-out for an email with the subject line "Statement Notification" or "...." It contains a malicious link to http://www[.]dchristjan[.]com. If you find it in your inbox, please delete.
Payroll Fraud Scam
Information Security has received reports of a scam targeting the Human Resource department. In this latest incident, the fraudster spoofed a staff name and requested to change the direct deposit banking information of the employee paycheck into an account controlled by the fraudster. Detail of the scam email The fraudster created a fake email, filled […]
Phish Alert - Situation on campus
Beware of the email with the subject line "Situation on campus." It is a phishing scam to steal your York credentials. If you see it in your inbox, please delete it.
Phish Alert - Office365 Support
The email below was not sent by IT. The perpetrators are trying to steal your information. If you find the email in your inbox, delete it.
Phish Alert - Attention Yorku.Ca User
The email with subject line "Attention Yorku.Ca User" is a phishing scam. If you see it delete it.
Phish Alert - Important Notice on Loaned Materials
A ruse from the scammer to steal your credentials. If you see the email in your inbox, delete it.
Job scams targeting students
How does earning $600 - $1000 per week for a part-time job sound? Not too bad heh? Before you reply to any unsolicited job related emails or provide personal information, ask yourself if the job is too good to be true. Do your due diligence and be wary of the tactics used by the job […]