Phish email with the subject line "Important Info HR Department" was reported earlier this afternoon. The link will redirect users to a fake YorkU login. Kudos to all of you that reported the scam and thank you for staying alert!!!
Advisories & Alerts
Email Scam - Check your lucky number here
The email address "Gift.Card.Deal@YorkU.CA" that purports to be from York does not exist. The scammer will request that you call the number 1-900-783-3030 which has a charge of $1.99/min.
Phish Alert - Verify your Email Account
Can you spot the tell-tale signs of this phish email? Some users did. Can you?
Phish Alert - Notification
A fake voicemail scam was reported this morning. Clicking on the "Listen to message" link redirects users to a phishing site that looks like the Office 365 login page.
Phish Alert - Alerte par e-mail de Bienvenue (fr) Futurs étudiants (en anglais) Université York
Phish email spotted this morning with a link to an external website. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish email Alert - Cancel Deactivation
This email was not sent from York University. It is a ruse to steal your York credentials. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish email Alert - ICT-Technical Notice (Microsoft Outlook Access)
A BIG thank you to our user community who reported the phish email with the subject line "ICT-Technical Notice (Microsoft Outlook Access)". When you find suspicious emails like this, please report them using the Phish Button.
Malicious Email Alert - Invoicely services notification
A malspam with the subject line "invoicely services notification" was seen this morning. It contained a link to download a malicious file from Google Docs. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Malicious Email Alert - York University Re-Evaluated and Up to Date Responsible Use of Technology Resources
Malicious email spotted. Opening the PDF file will redirect you to a phish website - If you see it in your inbox, delete it.