We have been advised by the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) of an active, sophisticated cyber campaign targeting COVID-19 researchers. The campaign begins with phishing email and includes the use of ransomware that could hinder research activity. The CCCS are asking researchers, especially those working on COVID-19 related research, to exercise elevated levels of […]
Advisories & Alerts
Community notice on recent email scams, February 26, 2020
Please be aware of recent scams that have targeted numerous York community members. The Information Security office is alerting the community while actively working to flag such messages as suspicious. Gift Card Scam The Gift Card Scam lures employees into buying gift cards through spoofed emails and text messages. It normally begins with a short […]
Phish Alert - Email Notice
Many York email users are being sent a targeted phishing message directing you to a login page that is a close forgery of the old webmail login site. The message is fraudulent and should be deleted. The subject of the emails are either "Email Notice" or "Important Email Notice"
Phish Alert - Attn: Faculty & Staff
A phish email targeting Staff & Faculty was reported earlier today, see details below. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Secured Email Notification
The phish email below will redirect users to a website hosted in Russia. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Yorku.ca News Update
Many York email users are being sent targeted phishing messages that direct you to a login page that is a close forgery of Passport York login page. The message is fraudulent and should be deleted. The URL in the email directs you to a website that is designed to look like the Passport York login […]
Malicious email - Assault that transpired during the holidays
A malicious email was reported this morning. The attachment contains a virus that when it is opened, can potentially infect your computer. Please delete if you see it in your inbox. If you opened the attachment, please report it to your local IT support group or email askit@yorku.ca.
Phish Alert - Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity
A scam email purporting to be from Microsoft was reported this morning. Clicking on the link "Review recent activity" will redirect you to a malicious website designed to look like the Microsoft login page. If you find it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Undelivered Mail Notification
The phish email with subject line "Undelivered Mail Notification" was reported by our user community. Clicking on the link "Retrieve your E-mails" will redirect users to an external malicious site. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Email Deactivation
A phish email with the subject line "Email Deactivation" was reported. Clicking on the Cancel Request button redirects users to http://mayoorz . com/demo/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/update/index.php?