When logging into your account, you will be prompted to choose between ‘Send me a Push’ or ‘Enter a Passcode’.
A. Send Me a Push method
This method is the preferred method as it is both highly secure as well as being most convenient for those with a smartphone and tablet. Validating your logins is a simple one-touch action.
Step 1. Click on ‘Send me a Push’.
Step 2. Open the Duo Mobile app, and tap on the green checkmark labeled ‘Approve’ to login into your account.
All you need to do is tap Approve on the Duo login request received at your phone.
If you are the only person who uses this computer, you can click Yes, this is my device and Duo will remember it for future logins.
B. Enter a Passcode method
This uses the same app as the "push" method, but instead of the one-touch validation, you make use of the passcode provided by the app. The advantage of this method is that it will work even without an active data or cellular connection.
Step 1. Click on ‘Enter a Passcode’.
Step 2. Open the Duo Mobile app and tap on York University. A 6-digit number will be displayed.
Note: The passcode is one-time use. To generate new passcodes on Duo Mobile app version 4.48 and earlier, simply swipe down on your smartphone screen or press on the circular blue arrow. On Duo Mobile app version 4.49 and later, the passcode will automatically refresh after 30 seconds.
Step 3. Enter the 6-digit and click Log in.
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