Subject: Email account on file Attention User, Please be informed that your Email account on file has been listed for suspension and will be disabled shortly if not Activated Now. Errors were discovered in your account. For security reasons, you are required to secure and please click here <yorkucait.jimdo. com> to Upgrade | […]
Phish Alert - Low Mail Quota
Subject: ITS UPDATE- Service Information You are currently running on low mail Quota due to hidden files and folder on your mailbox. Please Click Here http://gllfcconfirmation.onlinewebshop. net/login.php To Validate/Confrim your account. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email. Thanks, Administrator
Phish Alert - Mymail login page change
York University Webmail Upgrade Dear subscriber,MyMail has changed as of August 20th 2013 to New Login Page We are currently upgrading our Database and email servers to reduce spam and junk emails, we are therefore deleting all unused account to create spaces for new accounts. To update your account effective immediately […]
Phish Alert - Your mailbox exceeded the storage limit
Subject: Account Owner Your Mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 2 GB as set by your Administrator, you are currently running on 2 GB, you may not be able to send or receive new mails until you re-validate your mailbox.To re-validate your mailbox please Enter Username and Password in the column given below […]
Phish Alert - Confirm your Account information
Subject: Warning This is an automatic message by system to let you know that you have to confirm your account information. An Attempt has been made to login from a new computer, You might not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox .To re-validate your mailbox.- Click Or […]
PHISH ALERT - Webmail quota exceeded (
Dear User, Your WebMail has exceeded the allocated monthly quota. To avoid account termination, kindly click on our website below to restore your account. ( com/language/ Thank you. York University
Phish alert - Reactivate your library account
Hi Dear Member, We are experiencing a new problem in the our Library, that all members need to re-active their account. This is due to the implementation of a new library system. All faculty, staff and students are required to complete their profile. Please visit this page < r/> to activate your library account. […]
Phish Alert - We will be shutting down this Account
Subject: This Email is from Staff Notice News, This Email is from Staff Notice News, NOTE: We have been monitoring this account through our server's log file and have noticed that this account is been accessed from different distinct location simultaneously and also been used to send out spam messages as against web-mail policy, for […]
Phish Alert - Your mailbox can no longer send messages
Subject: This mail is from Internet administrator help desk Your mailbox is full. Your mailbox can no longer send messages. This is the Help desk Program that periodically checks the size of your e-mail space. The program runs to ensure your inbox does not grow too large, re-validate your email CLICK HERE<koolservice.jimdo.c o m> for […]
Adobe Breach User Alert
BACKGROUND: In October 2013, Adobe suffered a data breach. Their database of 38 million usernames and passwords was stolen and subsequently posted online [1][2]. Adobe did not protect user passwords to industry standards, and attackers were able to exploit that. Also stored with the passwords were the users' password hints in clear text. Many of […]