A malspam with the subject line "invoicely services notification" was seen this morning. It contained a link to download a malicious file from Google Docs. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Malicious Email Alert - York University Re-Evaluated and Up to Date Responsible Use of Technology Resources
Malicious email spotted. Opening the PDF file will redirect you to a phish website - http://rainhadograo.com.br/hun/index.php. If you see it in your inbox, delete it.
Phish email - Welcome to Community Safety
Here is an example of a phish email playing on your emotions. This email was not sent by York University. If you find it in your inbox, delete it.
Malicious Email Alert: Statement Notification
Be on the look-out for an email with the subject line "Statement Notification" or "...." It contains a malicious link to http://www[.]dchristjan[.]com. If you find it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Attention Yorku.Ca User
The email with subject line "Attention Yorku.Ca User" is a phishing scam. If you see it delete it.
Phish Alert - Important Notice on Loaned Materials
A ruse from the scammer to steal your credentials. If you see the email in your inbox, delete it.
Phish Email with subject line "Security alert"
If you see the phish email below in your inbox, please report it using the "Report Phishing" button.
Phish Alert - Yorku.CA Security Update
Watch for this "yorku.ca Security Update" phish email in your inbox and report it using the "Report Phish" button.
If you see an email that requires you to SYNCHRONIZE your data records and settings, delete it or report it using the "Report Phish" button.
Malicious Email Alert - Message From HR
We have received reports of a malicious email that has been sent to many YorkU email addresses. If you received an email with the subject line "Message From HR" to download a file from wetransfer.com or from Gofile.io, delete it or report it using the "Report Phish" button. Link to wetransfer.com Link to gofile.io