We have had reports of a fake zoom meeting invite that was sent to various mailboxes. The email attachments contain malware that will infect your computer. If you find it in your inbox, please delete immediately.
Phish Alert - Corona-virus (COVID-19) information for York University
The Information Security Team spotted a COVID-19 phish email which contained the malicious file "York University.zip" Please delete if you find it in your inbox.
Phish Alert - Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity
A phishing email pretending to be from Microsoft has been reported. The link redirects users to a malicious site. If you see the email in your inbox, you can safely delete it.
Phish Alert - A new message has been quarantined
A phish email with subject line "Notice!! Important message has been quarantined under your account name" was reported late this afternoon. Clicking on the "View Details" bar will redirect you to a phishing site. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Blocked some incoming emails
A scam email with the subject line 'yorku.ca Blocked some incoming emails" was sent to various users of the community. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Migrate to New 2020 Web portal
A phish email asking all staff and students to migrate to a new 2020 web portal was reported this afternoon. The link redirects to a malicious site hosted on activehosted.com. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - Your have (10) Messages Pending
Another phishing email with the subject "You have (10) Messages Pending Delivery On Your e-Mail Portal" was reported this morning. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.
Phish Alert - You have pending Microsoft Office UNSYNC Messages
If you find a warning notice for "Microsoft Office UNSYNC Messages" in your inbox, it is a scam and can safely be deleted.
Phish Alert - Email Notice
Many York email users are being sent a targeted phishing message directing you to a login page that is a close forgery of the old webmail login site. The message is fraudulent and should be deleted. The subject of the emails are either "Email Notice" or "Important Email Notice"
Phish Alert - Attn: Faculty & Staff
A phish email targeting Staff & Faculty was reported earlier today, see details below. If you see it in your inbox, please delete.