York U Phishing Email Reported. Do NOT respond!

Do NOT respond to the following email.


Subject:  Important notice for York Email Service users

Attention: York Email Service users.

This message from University Information Technology (UIT) Help Desk is for York Email Service users.

We are currently conducting a maintenance exercise, which is meant to upgrading our database and e-mail account center.

This exercise involves the installation of some addition security features to our email system and deactivation of dormant /unused/invalid email accounts to make room for further upgrading. This maintenance exercise is geared towards initiating better services for York Email Service users.

All active users are therefore required to confirm their account to avoid temporary account deactivation, which may result in loss of important data and a temporary denied access to your account for a minimum of five working days.

To confirm the validity of your email and to prevent your account from temporary deactivation, you are advised to update it by providing us with the following information;

Email User name: ..............................
Email password: ...............................
Department :...................................

After updating your account, you will be sent a link via which you will change your password.

Account owners are expected to update their accounts within 5 workdays after receipt of this notice.

Failure to comply with this notice within the stipulated time may result in a temporary deactivation of your account and possible loss of important information.

We count on your timely cooperation.

UIT Help Desk,
York University
Caution Code: YORxxxxxX